What does the invasion of Ukraine mean for your KiwiSaver?
Hi all! Andrew Wilkinson here, Adelphi’s KiwiSaver Specialist. I thought it was worthwhile commenting on the Ukraine situation, given that it is (obviously) breaking news and is generating concern within peoples’ investments, and their KiwiSaver accounts.

The shortfalls of PHARMAC and why the public system simply can’t shoulder it alone
Rob Hennin, CEO of nib New Zealand discusses the shortfalls of the PHARMAC system when it comes to providing for Kiwis who are dealing with serious illness, and how private health insurance can help to bridge

‘I thought I might be running out of time’, lockdown puts off breast cancer treatment
When René Short was diagnosed with breast cancer all she wanted to do was spend time with her daughter and grandson while she waited for surgery. The Hamilton woman joined the list of many other women

Women with endometriosis forced to seek ‘unaffordable’ private care
Olivia Loveday never expected she would have to turn to private healthcare to seek treatment for her endometriosis. “You pay taxes, and you think the public system will look after you,” said the 24-year-old Auckland women,

Mind the gap: Couples need $809,000 nest egg to retire with ‘choices’ at age 65
A retiring couple relying only on New Zealand Superannuation need to have saved $809,000 to fund a “choices” lifestyle in a city, the latest Massey University Fin-Ed Centre annual Retirement Expenditure Guidelines shows. But if those

‘He deserved to have more time’: Family warn no-one is too young for bowel cancer
The death of a father-of-two has left his family upset and in despair at the health system that failed him. Most crucial was the 18-month delay in diagnosing 42-year-old Jeremy MacGillivray’s bowel cancer, which ultimately cost